Admission is reserved only for members with an annual membership card which will be issued at the request of the interested party within the Club.

To have access to the Club it is absolutely necessary to be adult (18+) and it is mandatory to present a valid identity document at the entrance.

Appropriate and decent clothing is strongly recommended.

The President has the full right to withdraw the card and/or forbid entry to anyone who does not comply with these regulations.

The President has the full right to deny entry if he deems the conditions for accessing the Club do not exist.

The President has the full power to forbid or limit alcoholic beverages if he deems this appropriate for the protection of the individual and other associates.

Any extraordinary membership fee required for evenings and/or events is binding for membership.

For the protection of the privacy of our members, it is absolutely forbidden to photograph and/or film inside the club, with the prior authorization of the interested parties.

The dealing and/or use and/or consumption of drugs or other substances not permitted by law is strictly prohibited. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the premises, except in the areas designated for smokers.

Inside the Club it is possible to practice nudism and/or sexual acts. It is strictly forbidden to request or demand sexual services, for members everything is permitted but nothing is compulsory.

Any requests for mercenary services will be reported to the competent authorities.

Lack of respect and intrusiveness to protect the privacy of each individual member are prohibited.

It is forbidden for singles to enter the room reserved for couples.

Good manners and good care of the Club premises are required.

For any information please contact us.